Sunday, June 10, 2007

Recipes For Dogs

Like humans, our pets love to have varieties in their meals. Sometimes you will notice that your pet dog has no appetite. I would if I am being fed beef burgers daily for the next 6 months! If your pet is not sick then it means you need to feed him different food.

The important thing to remember is the nutritional value in the meals! Many people feed their dogs with raw meat although an acceptable practice in the past but nowadays with so much contaminated meat in the market, we need to be careful. Moreover, usually the low quality meats are being made into canned food for pets! Some of these meats are nothing but just pure fats and this is not good for your pet.

If you want more information try visiting Jeremiah O'connel's website for some Free Recipes for your dog. In addition you can obtain Health Tips, Video on Dog Training!

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